
Late, A Cowboy Song

Feb 23, 2017 - Feb 26, 2017 at -

A play by Sarah Ruhl


Mary, always late and always married, meets a lady cowboy outside the city limits of Pittsburgh who teaches her how to ride a horse. A story of one woman’s education…

Penn Plays Fellowship Script Reading

Feb 4, 2017 at

The Kelly Writers House and Theatre Arts Program are pleased to announce the winner of the 2016/2017 Penn Plays Fellowship: Olivia Matlin has won the fellowship for her play Birds of a Feather…


Dec 12, 2016 at

Theatre Arts is pleased to announce auditions for our winter production, which will be Sarah Ruhl’s LATE: A COWBOY SONG. This project will be offered as a course for credit: Theatre Arts 350: Rehearsal and…