Spring 2020 Assistant Director Interviews

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Theatre Arts is seeking an Assistant Director to join our Spring 2020 Production: The Government Inspector. The Assistant Director will work closely with Director David O'Connor and gain course credit through THAR 350 Rehearsal and Performance. Prior completion of Intro to Directing required.

Contact Cat Johnson at catj@sas.upenn.edu for more information.

Production Details:

The corrupt government officials of a provincial Russian town are thrown into a panic when word arrives that their town is to be investigated.  How will they get the government inspector to ignore the obvious corruption and make a good report back to the capital?  This classic satire from Nikolai Gogel is a hilarious look at unqualified people working to enrich themselves, and maybe not getting away with it.

Auditions are Thursday, November 14 and Thursday, November 18. Rehearsals are Monday - Thursday, 7-10 PM starting January 13, with added rehearsals on Feb 7-12, and performances on Feb 13-16.  In addition, we will have a number of rehearsals before winter break, based on cast availability.  Depending on your role, you may not be called to every rehearsal.

This production will be a highly collaborative exploration into satire, clown, physical theater, adaptation, and acting, culminating in a hilarious and biting performance.  The current adaptation of the play is designed to work with 5 actors, but will be readapted to work with more actors based on who is cast in the production.

For information on auditions, click here.