
Theatre Arts Program Fall Mainstage Production: The Good Person of Setzuan

Nov 17, 2016 - Nov 20, 2016 at -

Visit the Penn Art & Culture photo gallery here.

Shen Te has received a gift from the gods, who believe she might be the last good person left in Sezchuan.  She will try and use her gift to do good for her fellow man, but that is harder said than done is a city filled with greed and people struggling to survive.  A fairy tell of modern capitalism, told with an international cast from across the University, original blues music, puppets, and Bertolt Brecht's classic text that asks:  Are you a good person?  What would you do if you were Shen Te?

Theatre Arts Program presents Bertholt Brecht's The Good Person of Setzuan on November 16-19, 2016. This play will be directed by David O'Connor. Musical direction and orginal compositions by Patrick Lamborn. Puppetry design by Sara Outing. Costume design by Millie Hiibel.  Scenic design by Adam Riggar. Lighting design by Peter Whinnery.

Please note: this play contains adult language and themes.

Tickets for this production will be available through the Annenberg Center Box Office:

(215) 898-3900


General Admission : $8

Penncard/Senior/Student: $5