productions / seasons / 2010 - 2011 / Transfixed


Elisa Asencio, Nikhil Dingra, Ali-Reza Mirsajadi, and Richard Norman

September 15 and 16, 2010

Compiled from verbatim sources—public speeches and documents, newspaper articles, interviews, tv shows, memos, press releases, blogs, and internet postings—Transfixed is a full-length documentary theatre piece about how governments and cultures control gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation by granting or denying visibility.  Linking disparate issues and events such as a Mississippi high school student who wanted to go to her prom with her lesbian girlfriend, a transsexual who competed on America’s Next Top Model, sex-change operations in Iran, and the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, Transfixed is about the questions that society doesn’t want to ask, and the stories that people aren’t allowed to tell to answer those questions.